Getting Started

When I first discovered that there were theory games for free to print on the internet I was super excited! Then I quickly became overwhelmed - there were SOOOO many!!!! I created this blog as a collection of my favorite games and activities that I use along with my own games. My goal is to have at least one game to teach every theory concept. If this is your first time adding games to your piano lessons please read my Tips for Getting Started post for my suggestions to make it easier! There are a lot of affiliate links to make getting started a little easier! I hope you have a great Party at YOUR Piano!

Theory Tests

My goal is to have a game to review every theory concept and a way to test their understanding at the end of each level. I have students in both the alfred and in the faber series - over time I will have a list of every concept taught in the theory books along with the games that will help them and a test at the end of the theory book! It is quite the process please keep checking back!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Note review

It seems like my students can never get enough note practice!  I love this track by Susan Paradis and use it all the time!  We use any of the toys in the Learning Notes and Keys post, especially the squinkies!

I use Susan Paradis basic flashcards that you can find here.  I use these flashcards allll the time for all sorts of games!!!  These are well worth printing on a colored paper to make it fun and then laminating them.  I also laminated the track.

But I have a lot of boy students so I thought of another track that I could use for them!  

This was the first game that I have made so it's not the best (any ideas on a good program to use so I can make this better?!) but my kids love it!  You should be able to click on the picture to print!  

I happened to find these mario characters several years ago which the students use as markers to go through the game but anything will work!.  I found these mario characters in cars which are the right size on amazon and is fun since there is a girl character included. 

We usually get to the end of the game and then turn around and go back if we have time.  This also works great at group theory parties!

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