Getting Started

When I first discovered that there were theory games for free to print on the internet I was super excited! Then I quickly became overwhelmed - there were SOOOO many!!!! I created this blog as a collection of my favorite games and activities that I use along with my own games. My goal is to have at least one game to teach every theory concept. If this is your first time adding games to your piano lessons please read my Tips for Getting Started post for my suggestions to make it easier! There are a lot of affiliate links to make getting started a little easier! I hope you have a great Party at YOUR Piano!

Theory Tests

My goal is to have a game to review every theory concept and a way to test their understanding at the end of each level. I have students in both the alfred and in the faber series - over time I will have a list of every concept taught in the theory books along with the games that will help them and a test at the end of the theory book! It is quite the process please keep checking back!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Notes - Fish!

My students love these colorful fish from Susan Paradis!  I found a pretend fishing wand at the dollar store and hot glued a magnet to the hook, or you can get one like it from here.  I printed the fish cards from Susan, laminated them and then hot glued a paper clip to the back.

The kids love fishing and naming the note.  If they don't seem confident knowing the note then we throw it back in the sea for a little extra help!  I will also have them play the note on the piano.  Thanks Susan!

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